With the right filling quantity to the best sleeping experience


(2) Head section: Medium - much filling quantity
(1) Bolster: Medium - much filling quantity


(2) Head section: Medium filling quantity
(1) Bolster: Much filling quantity


(2) Head section: Little filling quantity
(1) Bolster: Little filling quantity

Instructions for side sleepers

We distinguish between side sleepers and side-tilt sleepers (half on the side, half on the stomach). 

How you sleep and how your body is built determines the optimal filling quantity of your mySheepi. We explain here how you can adjust your mySheepi to suit you. 


Try it out

First, lie down on your mySheepi in your usual sleeping position. The space between your head/neck and your mattress should be completely filled by your mySheepi so that your spine forms a line when lying down. If the lying position still feels a little uncomfortable, we recommend that you follow the next two steps.


Adjusting the headrest

Put the bolster on the other side of the pillow to access the hidden zips.  

If the muscles on the side of the neck that faces the ceiling when lying down are tight, you have too little filling material in your pillow. Fill the head section with approx. 1-2 hand fulls of the enclosed refill bag and distribute the filling material evenly in your head section.

If the muscles on the side of the neck that rests on your mySheepi are tight, you have too much filling material in your pillow. Remove about 2-3 hand fulls of filling material and lie down on your mySheepi again.

Side sleepers usually sleep best on a heavily filled head section so that the shoulders do not slump forward. Side sleepers, on the other hand, prefer a medium filling. 


Adjusting the bolster

The bolster is already very full when it is delivered. Depending on your body type and the firmness of your mattress, this may be too much filling material for you. The bolster should support and relieve your neck muscles slightly, but never put too much pressure on this area. If the pressure on your neck feels too hard, remove about 2 hand fulls of filling material from your bolster and distribute the remaining filling evenly. Feel your way up to the amount of filling until the pressure feels comfortable and supportive to you. 

Instructions for back sleepers

The mySheepi arrives well pre-filled. However, as we are all individually built, we explain here how you can adjust your mySheepi to suit you as a back sleeper. 


Try it out

First lie down on your mySheepi in your usual sleeping position. It is important that your head, neck and spine form a line when lying down and that your chin is at a 90° angle to your neck. You should feel a relief in your neck muscles. If the lying position still feels a little uncomfortable, we recommend that you follow the next two steps.


Adjusting the headrest

Put the bolster on the other side of the cushion to access the hidden zips.

If your chin is pointing towards your chest when you try it out and is compressing your cervical spine, there is still too much filling material in the headrest. Remove about 2-3 hand fullsof filling material and lie down on your mySheepi again. 

If your cervical spine is overstretched and bends backwards too much when lying down, there is not enough filling material in the head section of your mySheepi. Fill the head section with approx. 1-2 hand fulls of the filling material from the enclosed refill bag and distribute it evenly in the head section.


Adjusting the bolster

When delivered, the bolster is already filled to the brim. Depending on your body type and the firmness of your mattress, this may be too much filling material for you. The bolster should support your neck muscles slightly and thus relieve them, but in no case should it put too much pressure on this area. If the pressure on your neck is too strong, remove about 2 hand fulls of filling material from your bolster and distribute the remaining filling evenly. Feel your way up to the amount of filling until the pressure feels comfortable and supportive.

Instructions for stomach sleepers

The mySheepi arrives well pre-filled. However, as a stomach sleeper you should lie on a pillow that is as flat as possible. In the following instructions, we explain how you can optimally adjust your mySheepi for sleeping on your stomach. 


Adjusting the headrest & bolster

Turn the bolster of your mySheepi to the other side of the pillow to access the hidden zips. As a stomach sleeper, we recommend that you first remove about half of the filling material from your headrest and neck roll so that you do not adopt an overstretched posture when lying on your stomach.


Test lying

After you have adjusted the amount of filling and distributed it throughout the pillow, lie down on your mySheepi in your usual sleeping position. It is important that your head, neck and spine form a straight line. 
If the side of your neck facing the ceiling is stretched, you have too little filling material in your pillow. If your lower neck side, which rests on your pillow, is taut, you still have too much filling material in your pillow. You can tell whether you have found the optimum amount of filling for you by the fact that you are lying relaxed on your mySheepi and do not feel any tension in your neck. If this is not the case, simply adjust the filling quantity until you are lying comfortably. 

FAQs & Support

If you change between several sleeping positions, we recommend a softer filling such as Medline Super Soft or Kapok for your mySheepi. Adjust the filling quantity of your mySheepi so that it is aligned to your most frequent position. For example: If you are a side and back sleeper, adjust your mySheepi to the side sleeper position. If you then turn onto your back during sleep, there is a different pressure distribution and you sink more into your mySheepi due to the softer filling.

You can find more fillings for your mySheepi in the mySheepi SPA.

Possible causes for headaches are a neck roll that is too full and/or a wrong, possibly ergonomically not optimal lying position of your head.

Check whether your head is lying straight on your mySheepi and take some filling out of your neck roll. 

The first few nights on your mySheepi may be a little unusual, especially if you have never slept on a neck support pillow before. You may feel some tension in your neck during the first few nights. Nevertheless, you should experience a positive effect, e.g. better sleep through the night or a longer deep sleep phase. 

The tension should be gone after a few nights. However, if you still feel tension or an unpleasant feeling of pressure, we recommend that you turn the mySheepi onto its „back“ for a few nights. This way the bolster rests on the mattress. Your neck will also be supported in this position, but less strongly. If you still don’t get any improvement, try using less filling material. In most cases, this is the best approach.

Note: In the first few days on your mySheepi you may also experience slight muscle soreness in the neck area, as the muscles are not normally used to this type of support and still have to „train“. This will also pass after a few days.

A period of adjustment can sometimes take up to 30 days. If the 14-day test phase is not enough for you, please contact us and we will extend your test phase.

If you have a hunchback, you should lie on a softer mattress. If you are lying on a soft mattress, the filling volume of your mySheepi should be slightly lower. If you sleep on a firmer mattress, you will sink in a little deeper and therefore your head and neck will also lie a little lower in order to be able to adopt an ergonomic posture.

Of course, you can also customize your mySheepi KIDS or COMPACT. These pillows also have a hidden zipper, with which you can easily open the cover. The mySheepi KIDS and COMPACT consists of a three-chamber system. This means that you can fill an additional chamber instead of a neck roll and lying surface like with the mySheepi HOME.

Note that every mySheepi KIDS comes with a little less filling than the COMPACT. This is because the pillow is suitable for children from one year of age and is therefore easier to adjust. It can grow with you!

If you have any questions, please contact our customer support.

Your Question wasn't Answered?

Adjusting an individual pillow often requires individual consultation. This is what our sleep experts are there for and trained to do. They will help you competently to find the perfect mySheepi for you and to create an optimal sleeping experience. They are available Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. and look forward to seeing you!

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